What we do best.

Rarely that it might be, your Macs or network may require some on-site service and tech support. James with MacSavvy has the ACSP (Apple Certified Support Professional) certification and has been using Macs for 34 yrs. I can come to your home or business and get your issues resolved. Non-Apple devices included. I can show you some tips and tricks to make your Mac do more and you proficient at doing it. I will assess and optimize your devices and network, help with file organization, learning applications, basic troubleshooting and how to be more productive. Don’t go with Geeksquad or other tech support companies that claim they work on Macs. Go with a company that is certified and a longtime Mac user. A guy with more than 12 years experience performing onsite service and more certifications than any other IT company in SW Florida. We “know” we can do it and Apple refers their clients to us more than anyone else in Southwest Florida.

NETWORKING (Wireless & Wired)
Its like Magic. MacSavvy has networking solutions for both business and residential clients. We can fix or improve your existing network or completely replace it. Either way, MacSavvy gets it working as it should be.
Don't go with a repair company that claims they work on Macs. They usually don't very often if at all. MacSavvy has the experience and skill to repair and upgrade any Mac and have worked solely on Macs since 2002. We do everything from data recovery and component replacement to hard drive and memory upgrades. We also solve software-related issues. Proper troubleshooting is what we do best. After a proper diagnosis, we will make them run better and faster than when they were new. Guaranteed.

First off, congratulations if you recently made the decision to buy a Mac for your business or home. You won’t regret it. The Mac has proven to be more stable, secure and easy to use as their PC counterparts. We will get your iCloud-capable devices working, migrate your PC data and then train you. Its that easy.

If you need data recovery thats a horrible thing. MacSavvy feels your pain. The pictures of your children and vacations you've taken are priceless. Nothing is worst than to lose that data. Backing up your important files on a regular basis using Time Machine to an external hard drive or the Cloud is crucial to being protected! At a minimal cost too.
80% of the people that think they need “Clean Room” data recovery DO NOT need that type of advanced recovery. It is extremely expensive anywhere from $700-3500 depending on the amount of data retrieved. There is a solution before sending it to a "clean lab". Don't send it out unnecessarily.
Let MacSavvy diagnose to see if its a complete mechanical failure or not .. or the data just isn’t visible to the user. We have a 90% success rate when there isn’t mechanical failure. Give us a shot at it first.